When does liposuction make sense?
During liposuction surgery fat pads of different areas of the body can be removed. Most commonly treated areas are belly, buttocks, hips , thighs, shanks, knees and ankles. In many cases liposuction is also wanted in chin, neck or cheeks. Liposuction can not replace a diet but can remove pad pads that won´t react to diet or sports.
Liposuction can improve the shape of your body effectively. Before surgery you should have an extensive consultation with your plastic surgeon in order to let him know about your expectations.
We also treat lipedema. Please contact us for more information
Praxisklinik für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Dr. Wachsmuth & Dr. Völpel
Fritz-Seger-Str. 21
04155 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0) 341 - 583 19 40
Fax: 0341 - 583 194 111
E-mail: info@wachsmuth-voelpel.de
Office hours
Mo - Thur: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Fr: 9.00am - 4.00pm